Home » Website translation and SEO

At connect SL we offer a comprehensive web translationservice by native translators and linguistic adaptation according to search trends to improve your search engine optimization.

English, German, French, Polish, Russian… nowadays, companies and individuals translate their websites into multiple languages, to reach as many people as possible. Corporate websites, information or personal websitesblogsforums, websites for organizing congresses, expos, events, e-commerce sites or online catalogues… the list of online content translated into several languages ​​is practically endless. At connect professional translation agency we are aware of this.

Multilingual internet presence helps our customers to expand their markets and their range of potential customers, promotes their brand image, increases sales and helps to strengthen their corporate identity and improve their web traffic and the number of daily visitors.

This highlights the importance of our Adwords and SEO campaigns translation service, to position your multilingual website in search engines like GoogleBingYahoo, etc. These texts are not only professionally translated in detail, but are also adapted by an SEO expert. This involves the translation of keywords, meta-tags, content and titles.

Our SEO translators constantly cooperate with experts in each country where the text will be used. This guarantees that even search behaviour based on the target market’s culture is considered and incorporated.